I'm sorry I missed Friday's weigh-in! We are crazy busy, tired, stressed, etc....
I'll try and post the weekly questions and keep up with weigh-ins through the move but the computer is taking a backseat for a bit. I hope you all understand:) I've not lost any weight. I might have even gained a lb. or 2. We've eaten out the last couple of days and I'm just lucky if I get dinner made for everyone, much less make a special meal for myself. Keep going you guys and I'll catch up to you when I get settled in Wa. I'm excited, our apartment has a fitness center and I can really start excercising again!! Woohoo! I hope you all are doing good. I'll continue praying for you guys even if I'm MIA for a little bit.
I totally understand Jen. Just try not to "really blow it"!! Blessing to you and yours as you move (again! sigh. I remember those days...)
Love mer
PS Isn't it nice that you're homeschooling so you don't have to worry about the switching school stuff...
WooHoo! A fitness center. I could use one of those!
Praying for you. Keep sane. :)
Don't totally blow your diet!
You actually make special meals for yourself? I used to do that. It has progressed to making everyone eat what I eat with toast/rice/noodles on the side for them!
They like it, and it actually has helped the family understand about eating right.
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