Monday, August 4, 2008

Jen's Intro.

I am Jennifer and I am 29 years old. I've been overweight since I had my first child at 20. About 3 1/2 years ago I lost my first 20 lbs. Then a year later I lost another 30. I then gained most of it back between life's circumstances having my 5th child. I am a "nervous eater" and I am trying to learn how to turn to God instead of food. I just recently lost 15 lbs and I need to lose about 55-60 more. My goal would be to lose it by February 14th, 2009. That is my 11th wedding anniversary. I will be following a low-carb diet because that is what I "know". I might change program mid-course as I learn from others. For excercise, I will be riding a stationary bike working up to 45 mins, 3 times a week. Then small weights and situps 3 days a week and working up to pilates moves.

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