Monday, August 11, 2008

Question of the week

Here's the question of the week.

Do you try to set weekly weightloss goals for yourself? If so, how much do you usually try to lose?



I'm More Than a Number said...

I try to lose 2-3 lbs. per week. I always lose more like 4-6 the first week then it slows down to about 2lbs or so. If I'm really good at sticking to plan I usually lose about 10lbs. a month on average.

What are your goals?


Anonymous said...

I used to set goals. I would get so frustrated with not making the goals. I followed my diet to the letter and stayed the same weight for a year.

I don't make weight loss goals anymore. I just make "healthy body" goals now. Even if I don't loose weight, I know my body is healthier because of what I am eating.

Sounds dumb written down, but there it is.

Jen's Whimsical Life said...

Not dumb! I'm actually moving towards doing that same thing. I start obsessing over numbers and then I don't make healthy eating choices by eating too little.

I either eat too much when I'm not dieting and not enough when I'm trying to reach a certain number. I'm trying to learn MODERATION, not just in eating, but in everything I do.
