Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Question of the week

I'm so impressed by you two that you actually drink water, regularly, and lots. Great job!

This week's question.....

"Why do you want to lose weight?"



I'm More Than a Number said...

Well, I have a few. I would like to say that the main reason is health, and while that concerns me and I realize it's important, it's not my main reason. Call me shallow but I wanna wear great clothes. I'm so tired of shopping in the "grandma" section....

#2 Would be self image. I hate feeling bad about myself.

#3 Sortof links to number 2 but I'm tired of being a slave to myself and food.

#4 Would be health. I wanna be around to rock my grandbabies and walk the beach with Michael near our retirement home:)

So, what are your reasons?

Lexie said...

My number one reason would be health because I have rheumatiod arthritis and I need to lose weight to make things easier on my joints.

My second reason is to feel better about myself. I've been battling the weight for 14 years and I'd like to get a handle on it before I get too old. My mother reached her goal weight this month. She is 60 and looks fabulous. I don't want to be 60 before I get thinner :(

My third reason is more vain, but I'm with you Jen, I'd like to have cooler clothes. I'd also like to be pretty... possibily meet someone someday. Who knows?!?

Anonymous said...

# 1 - Health

Nothing quite like having a healthy body! I don't want to live a long time unhealthily.

#2 - Self Worth

Nothing quite like how you feel when you have lost weight. Quite the ego boost.

#3 - "Role Model"

I want my kids to see that you can be healthy and eat right. This is important to me.

#4 - Fashion!

I want to be able to wear more of the things that I design! I don't like being hampered by my shape! I will be able to wear more of my designs than I have been able to in the past. I don't want to design for models, I want to design for ME!